Wednesday, 11 May 2016

How To Fix Uneven Smile With Cosmetic Dentistry?

Not everybody is born with a perfect smile. Uneven smile is a problem many people struggle with, but most of them don’t try to fix it due to the fear of long dental procedures and lack of time. Fortunately, modern cosmetic dentistry offers several effective options that can correct crooked or misaligned teeth in a few appointments. The method for correcting uneven teeth, however greatly depends on the degree of misalignment and affordability. Let’s take a look at some of the best cosmetic dentistry procedures used by Ridgetop Dental’s cosmetic dentist in Reston, to make the process of teeth correction faster and easier than ever before.
Braces mainly consist of ceramic or metal brackets that are fixed in front of the teeth. In due course, the wire shifts the teeth in place, moving your teeth in the desired position. You need to visit your dentist regularly (once a month) to get the wire tightened. Ceramic braces are mostly preferred by people because they are hardly noticeable as they amalgamate with the natural colour of the teeth. Another option which is becoming quite popular with peoples these day is-Invisalign clear aligners. These are removable, custom-made aligners, made of clear plastic that move your teeth in the desired position in a comfortable manner. However, this procedure may not work well in severe cases
A dental veneer is a thin porcelain shell that is placed on the front surface of a tooth. Dental veneers can be used to improve the colour, size and shape of patient’s teeth. In certain situations, veneers can also be used to close gaps between teeth and make them appear straighter.
Another very good option available to the people with uneven teeth is dental bonding, assert Ridgetop Dental’s expert at their centre for cosmetic dentistry in Fairfax VA. Bonding is a conservative way to repair slightly discoloured, chipped or crooked teeth. During this procedure, a white filling is placed onto your tooth to improve its appearance.
Is cosmetic dentistry the right choice for you? It greatly depends on the severity of your case. Talk to Ridgetop Dental’s experienced cosmetic dentist in Northern Virginia to know the options available to you and choose the right method to choose your need and lifestyle.
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